Monday, May 3, 2010

number 2!!!!

Lets start off with work. I currently am a manager at this tiny pizza place known as Mancinos. I've worked here for just about three years now. My best friend and girl friend Ashley got me the job when I was a junior in high school. Man this weekend was messed up. Friday I was scheduled 6-9 to bake (in training) and then in the evening from 530- 9. Well, I started off by messing up a whole batch of breadstyx. i had the water too high needless to say everyone laughed at me. Then in the evening I find out that I have to close for our deleviery driver Jermiah.

Saturday I am scheduled 5-8..p.m. I get a call at ten O clock saying we need you too come in Mark our GM didn't show up for work his assistant manger Dustin called in sick. So I come thinking I'm to save the day well they need me to start baking. I melted the butter got the water ready started mixing everything together. I got a phone call and its Jermiah calling off and now I have to close for him. Well, this where it goes bad i didn't wieght out the water for the bread out right so I have now ruined a batch of breadstyx on Friday and now a batch of bread on Saturday. Deliveries were coming right and left Ashley was freaking out(jk). Anyways we got through that and i Came in that night and closed with Ashley no more craziness.
For a job that only offers part time hours Ashley ended up with 43 hours and me I got 40!

Long weekend all and all. Played a lot of Call of duty ModernWarfare 2. I'm working my way up i'm now 5678679 in the world!! Ashley tries so hard to play its so funny watching her try to shoot the enemy she usually freaks out and throws a gernade wildly and the person knifes her! lol she tries! well thats all for now