Thursday, February 24, 2011

been awhile "A"

first I'd like to send a shout out to Gary ferllow thank you sir for giving me a job. For you people who don't know I worked at Steak n' Shake for six months before I was wrongfully fired. we won't get into that now. My father got me into Arden a company that makes patio cushions. I started my very fist yahoo Fantasy racing league my team called the Beer Stars. week one my team was Kyle busch, Martin truex Jr.,brad and brian keslowski, my bench was tony stewart, dale earnhart jr.,Joey lagono, and jj yelley... 204 points not bad. but I find it hard that a rookie won the daytona wow!

last but not least a poem number two

sometimes I feel like ice
hard on the outside
I have listened to the advise
but I'm still here on my backside

some days I can do it all
others I wander why do anything at all
Like I'm waiting for my next downfall
I beat my head against the drywall

one day i am so positive things will be OK
the next i am looking for a way out
why is it i get led so astray
come on Obama I need a bailout

I seem to be stuck in hole
there are tools here
but I always find a loophole
man I could use a beer

I need to get back on a track
I need to find away
My hearts not all black
I can do this I just need a highway

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