Monday, January 3, 2011

Work ect.

So it begins another day of paradise at work, but oh what is this we are closed for three hours because our hoods getting cleaned! That's right, I generally work third shift at my job 11p.m. to 7a.m. and at midnight we shut down for three hours to clean out our firers and hoods. Working thirds means I get a lot of drunks in and they tend to leave a lot of junk and forget to ever come back for it. So I going to keep track of all this junk that the drunks leave behind. So far this year I've got one scarf and one coat!

In football news, cause you can't live without a little sports. I owe, my dad a big apology TCU is way better than I thought. Him and I have gone round and round his small town school is TCU and mine is Boise st. On to the pros can anybody answer me way the raiders are getting rid of tom cable? this makes zero sense to me. Sorry to the vikings because Frazier is not the answer.

In other news so far so good here in 2011 I just purchased my very first home exercising bike it's awesome baby! lol Also got the new Tami Hoag book she is my favorite author her new book is called Secrets to the grave, it takes you back to crime in the eighties really neat. she is a mystery author just a quick F.Y.I. and lastly I bought the complete series of Dexter seasons 1-4

on eBay. Awesome show, but you defiantly want to watch it from beginning to end to know what is going on.

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